23 January 2015

Maran Academy and Orphanage Home Progresses Through Simple Forms of Cooperation

The Maran Academy and Orphanage Home project team would like to say welcome to 2015! Looking back at the monumental development – from knee high walls to the beginning of a roof – that occurred over the course of 2014, we are reminded of the achievements that can be attained through even the simplest forms of cooperation.
One such cooperation was with the IBSU Charity Team, who, in October, generously offered to hold the annual Charity-Snow-Ball in the name of the Maran Academy and Orphanage Home. We welcomed the Charity Team with open arms and maintained realistic expectations, but were about to get more than we bargained for. When the clock stuck 12 the night of the ball and one of the project team members went on stage to say a few words of gratitude for participation in the event and contribution to the project, we were all surprised to see the IBSU representatives hand over a large cheque for €2500. It was a truly amazing post-Sinterklaas/pre-Christmas present. However, little did we know we were in for an even greater surprise when the IBSU Charity Team had calculated their final sums at the beginning of 2015 only to discover that 420 tickets were sold and the true sum raised was in fact €3000! We are so thankful that this achievement could be attained through such a simple form of cooperation.
Back in November 2014 we were able to send €800 from the ConTribute Kenya Foundation to the project, and at the same time received some additional support from a generous donor in Austria. Again, an achievement attained through a simple form of cooperation. These funds were used to purchase 20 bags of cement, 2000 limestone building blocks, 3 truckloads of sand, necessary transportation, and labor required to transform these materials into the top of the wall above the structural ring-beam. The labor to complete this step began on December 15th, was put on hold during the Christmas holidays in Kenya, and resumed in 2015. We just received confirmation from Jackson Mjape (Kenyan project initiator) that this step should be complete by January 15th, at which point he can proceed to the next step of erecting the roof. This is where the funds raised by the Charity-Snow-Ball will be put to use. The construction of the roof is estimated to require over 3,700m of wood (of various dimensions), 350 iron sheets, 120kg of nails, 80 ridge pieces, necessary transportation, and labor. The total budget for this step is a staggering €10,800. However, to protect donators from misappropriation of funds as well as to reduce the burden carried with being responsible for the appropriation of funds we will develop the step of erecting the roof in stages and closely monitor progress.
Once the roof is completed, which, understandably, will take quite some time and is heavily dependent on available funding, the next steps will be to install electrical wiring, install water tanks, install toilets, plaster the walls and floor, paint all surfaces, acquire necessary furnishings, and finally setup the compound and structures as a school and orphanage home.
In the mean time, the Maran Academy and Orphanage Home team comprised of IBS Honours students, will continue to maintain the project portfolio, acquire funding, and seek long-term partnerships necessary in the operational phase.
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this project and want to emphasize that it can best be achieved through the simple forms of cooperation that have propagated thus far. If you are interested in becoming part of the project, would like some additional information, or have possible funding suggestions, we will welcome you with open arms just like we did with the IBSU Charity Team.
Last but not least we would like to leave you with the following quote that often guides our actions:
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value” Albert Einstein

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