15 September 2013

5 weeks, 15 amazing people, unforgettable experience!

It has been over a month since I came back from Mombasa; however I am still speechless. Recently, I have spoken to some of the volunteers and one of their first sentences was: “”I miss Kenya so much, I would like to continue what we started”.

Thinking through the entire experience and how our project developed, I need to say it was full of surprises and unexpected events. I came to Kenya, as most of the others, for the first time with some basic knowledge of Africa or Kenya itself. As usually, most of the things were quite different.

Starting our journey with assignment of the projects, and introduction to all the locations: Blue Bell, St. Joseph´s and Fire Brigade, we arrived very excited and ready to work.

I was a part of the team that taught business classes to the high school students and young entrepreneurs. For 5 weeks five of us, prepared, taught and explained our topics to the willing students. As we soon realized our time management and perception differed greatly from the one from our students, our initial planning had to therefore be adjusted. Being for the first time volunteering abroad it was amazing and eye opening experience for me. Things I have seen and heard in TV and from others were so different to my personal encounters.

Having experienced both the positive and negative parts of Mombasa and its surroundings, I still am impressed and charmed by this country and people there. The positive response that we received during the last week from our students was astonishing. Next to that, we were delivered various business plans from them, which proved us that our material and lessons were useful to them.

This experience not only allowed me to help others, but also broaden my cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity. Even though, I have been travelling before, this was unique and astonishing experience.

I hope that I can continue my involvement with ConTribute Kenya in future and that our students from Mombasa will not lose their willingness to learn and that we will hear soon their success stories in developing and establishing their business.

(written by Magda) 

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