'With every end there comes a new beginning and with the end of 2013 the perspective of an exciting 2014 is looming ahead for us at ConTribute Kenya.
This year has been phenomenal; if one looks back to a point just one year ago several of us were facing insurmountable challenges.
With the strong belief and commitment at that time the efforts of a group of students were turned into something wonderful. We throughly went the extra mile or even many extra miles as seen in the charity bike challenge to Amsterdam to raise funds.
With time flying past us we suddenly found ourself in Mombasa (Kenya) which with its beauty just blew us of our feet. Here again tumultuous challenges built themselves up which scared some but electrified others, hence we as a collective group of 11 students sat together every day to discuss certain anxieties and struck a collaborative note of drive and passion to overcome these challenges.
The three great projects (Teaching Assistance at St. Josephs, setting up of an Accounting-System Blue Bell Nursury School, Marketing Mombasa Firestation) in Mombasa we implied ourselves on day and night have proven to be fantastic experiences.Wandering around Mombasa City talking to Government officials, waking up at 06.30 to teach business to high school students as well as sitting down for hours on end teaching excel to computer-newbies are just some of the things we found ourselves in.
The experiences we made in Mombasa have been rewarding in many different ways to us. Seeing things grow together through our provision of time and know-how, the gratitude of the people we helped and the personal development each one of us went through will be looked upon with a great smile by each one of us at the end of 2013.
After our return ConTribute Kenya continued to flare. Inspired by our experiences and the great possibilities for us students to really contribute and make changes has let the seed of continuing this project and make it even more sustainable, grow in all our mind. With many other ideas in the pipeline for a possible return to Mombasa a greater number of students have increased efforts and rolled out extensive promotional, fund-raising activities.
In the aftermaths of a six week stay in Mombasa and continuous awareness raising efforts our reach has grown increasingly widespread, which have resulted in lots of offers for help and support which have all been received with much appreciation and smiles.
All this has accumulated in us finally managing to register ConTribute Kenya as organization which will administrative, organizational issues even more attainable.
From where we are now, ConTribute Kenya had a phenomenal year and has grown from a seed to a grass-root-level project with hands on impact and rewarding experiences small and big, just waiting to grow even further.
With the end of 2013 and beginning 2014 we want to thank every one of you for all your support and backing. You, us, we all have made ConTribute Kenya a great success.
Lets continue "beeing" like bees, swarming out to touch people like bees touch the flowers with the work we have already done and fly back to make this great project grow even larger and richer leaving sweetness and health with the people in needs.
Thank you all and have a Happy New Year.
(written by Robin)